without Having To Use Paid Ads, Nor being salesy or spammy?

ALSO NOTE: This is NOT a Facebook Ads course! The strategies of this program are purely based on attraction and content marketing strategies + branding hacks combined with some cool, automation Google Chrome plugins. 

Did I make you curious now :)? Read on...

The Ultimate, Organic Facebook Client Attraction System.

It's 2021. If you want to make massive bank fast, using Facebook is the way to do it. Yep. Even, or especially in 2021.

 Warning: Possible Very real Side Effects include knowing how to get clients with ease, more dollars in your bank account, a greater sense of clarity, less feelings of overwhelm and frustration, more family play time with your loved ones. 
You're putting in an insane amount of hours into your Facebook™ networking every single day...

After all, you don't have the budget yet to invest in Facebook™ Ads. 

So, you want to rely on organic traffic and content marketing...

But dang! Facebook™ feels cluttered...

Do you focus on building up your Facebook™ page? Start a Facebook™ group? How are you supposed to use your personal Facebook™ profile so that your friends and family don't think you've completely lost your mind now?!

Not only that, but you also roll your big beautiful eyes, every time you see those spammy sales posts in a group you're a part of. They SMELL of desperation.

And what about those cringe-worthy DMs you're getting from time to time in your 'other' folder?!

This is NOT the way you want to start nor grow your service-based online business
There HAS to be a better way!
A more ethical, smooth, simple yet effective, on-brand, soul-aligning, don't-waste-all-your-money-on-paid-ads, organic Facebook™ Marketing Growth Strategy! 
And there is...
Let me introduce you to:

Grab a cup of cocoa or coffee for a second, 
Read on and then close your eyes and IMAGINE the following:

  • Every time you post on Facebook™, it's intentional and will result in $$$ for you in the short-and long-run because you've learned E-X-A-C-T-L-Y what type of content will not only breed connection but also, attract the right clients for you! (No more feeling like you're "wasting your time on Facebook™"!)
  • You know how to find the right Facebook™ groups where your ideal clients are casually hanging out at, just waiting for you to help them solve their pain points! (They even can't wait to work with you once they 'discover' you, because of the way you've branded yourself on Facebook™ through content and story marketing!) 
  • You're creating 'Facebook™ Funnels' with ease and your email list is happily growing each week! (We need systems in place after all to help us free up our time and focus on getting client work done!)
  • ​You're successfully turned your Facebook™ messenger into a CRM on its own!
  • ​The dollars in your bank account are steadily increasing with each new client that comes to you through your organic marketing you're doing on Facebook™!  (Hello, 5-figure month!)
  • ​AND you're closing these kinds of new client deals on a regular...
Okay, So WHY Facebook™?
In case, it wasn't obvious already :).
According to tons of online statistics and research sites (such as Influencer Marketing Hub), Facebook™ continues to be the BIGGEST social media platform in the world!

Yet, most service-based freelancers + entrepreneurs STILL don't really know how to use it - or, use it right

Because You Actually Don't Need These 3 Things 
To Succeed On Facebook™:
  • You do NOT need to run or 'do' Facebook Ads. Organic and especially, Facebook content marketing is THE way to go. Why? Because its results are exponential.
  • You do NOT need to hang out on Facebook day and night to get results. Instead, it's all about strategy, baby. The right kind of strategy :).
  • ​You do NOT need to post all the time. I mean, who's got the time for that anyway, let's be honest?!
Instead and for the strategies inside my online course - CONNECT - to work for you, you'll need:
  • ​A 'can-do' attitude.
  • ​Watch the training in its entirety.
  • ​Implement each video lesson homework like a boss.
  • ​Show up to our regular group coaching calls for content feedback or with any questions you have (or email support).
I loved that I was able to complete this course in less than two days, and was able to apply real steps within minutes and see results!"
~ Angelica Whetstone
The best part about CONNECT?

You're going to be able to accomplish all of the following without spending ANY MONEY on Facebook™ Ads or camping out on Facebook™:
  •  Get yourself, fresh clients, and customers, with ease, aka a steady flow of leads that know, like, and trust you!
  •  Turn new connections immediately into raving fans of your business (become the shero for them)!
  •   Establish yourself as an expert in your field and increase the visibility of your brand!
  •  Establish and build up social proof like never before!
  • ​Create media opportunities, expert positioning, and an audience that can't WAIT to hear from you!
  • Connect with & find your ideal business mentors on Facebook so that they can help you catapult your success into never-thought-of spheres.
Who Am I?
Hi! My name is Cornelia Pauline. 

I was born and grew up in beautiful Vienna, Austria. With 18 I moved to the U.S. to study Diplomacy and International Business in Hawaii and California.

My mom was a network marketing professional for the past 35 years and my brother is one as well. But not the ones you meet day in, day out. Both of them are true professionals and leaders in Europe in their respective companies. 

Growing up with this kind of influence has allowed me to learn a LOT about building relationships and networking. I've taken what I learned offline AND transformed my findings to work for organic, online lead generation + sales.

When I quit my corporate job in operations management, I freelanced for a while.

Your freelancing success & service-based business depends on your NETWORK.


Fast forward a few more years, I've built my ENTIRE successful, multiple 6-figure digital marketing agency based on LEADS I purely get from organic Facebook Networking !

And no!
I don't spend hours each day on Facebook. I have a very detailed strategic system that I follow and that I want to outline to you. 

So be sure to read on.

Oh, and it's nice to meet you ;)!
Topics we're going to cover inside CONNECT?
+ How to use your mind and set the right intentions before implementing my strategies to achieve optimal results. 

+ How to stop wasting time and get REAL LEADS through following my simple proven Networking strategies & Organic Facebook Funnel. A growing leads pipeline = more customers and clients with ease.

+ Knowing 100% what type of content CONVERTS into actual engagement (aka 'likes', 'comments') through my STORY-STRUCTURE secrets and also, WHICH content to use for what medium.

>>> Yes, there are different types of content you need to use for Facebook Pages, in Facebook Groups, and for your own personal Facebook Profile Page in order to utilize their individual power correctly to get the most results.

+ Para-social Interaction Marketing... (don't know what that is yet? All I can say right now, you'll be amazed).

+ Discover your Facebook 'Influencer Brand Archetype' with the proprietary CONNECT quiz.

+ And much more awesome stuff...;)
Now Check out what some members of our #CONNECTfamily 
have to say about the Connect program:
Justin is getting lots of new clients because of implementing the strategies inside of #CONNECT:
#CONNECT has been the KEY factor for Frederic to be able to establish international business relationships: 
Claudine is learning a ton of new stuff inside #CONNECT:
Xavier has learned how to engage in Facebook Groups and is loving the program too:
Kevin is loving all the simple and to the point action steps:
Kalila is loving the personal touch of this program as well as the random check in's:
Benjamin has learned how to consistently sent traffic to his funnel page and fill up his free video training series with a funnel that is converting at over 70%!
Total Of 5 To The Point, 
Actionable Modules
IMPORTANT: Each video lesson within each module is never more than 15 minutes long. I wanted you to be able to consume the lessons in bite-sized, actionable pieces and kept your busy lifestyle in mind!
Value = $3,000  Included in Connect
5 Of My Best Viral Content Strategies WITH Swipe Files
I want to make you getting famous on Facebook easy for you. Hence, I chose to share my best converting content posts with you + an explanation behind the psychology of why that is. These swipe files have brought me in probably a combined $35,000 in client revenue alone!
Value = $1,997  Included in Connect
Copy Of My Facebook Funnel Template
With this funnel, I've added a total of 1,000 new subscribers to my email list in my first month in business! I share with you a copy of the funnel and you can use this template, make it your own and start adding qualified contacts to your email list today.
Value = $1,497  Included in Connect
Workbooks & Homework Sheets
I've made sure to accompany specific lessons that needed it with workbooks & homework sheets.
Value = $697  Included in Connect
A Positive Community & NETWORK Full Of Like-Minded Entrepreneurs
With Facebook Famous, you'll also get access to the private student community and Facebook Group with tons more resources and help whenever you need it.
Value = $997  Included in Connect
Secret FB Messenger Lead Automation Tool
I want you to work smarter, not harder! As such, I've partnered up with this awesome, and relatively unknown software to get you an amazing deal to use their automation tool for FB messenger ;).
Value = $97  Included in Connect

Total Combined Value = $8,285 (!)

Actual Price? Keep On Scrolling To Find Out!
Because there's more to the program then what I just listed.

“My focus in creating this course was that you can really implement what you've learned right away to get results FAST!”
So you looove all the cool things you'd get inside the program?!
Well, you’re in luck because you're also going to get access to the following 3 BONUSES:
  • Facebook Lead Generation CASE STUDIES: You'll get access to 2 case studies where I walk you through and totally pull the curtain away on ALL the messaging I've done (from initial contact to sales close) of two of my clients on Facebook. Students loved to get an understanding of the entire process and see the practical implication of it in action.
  • Cornelia's High-End Client Sales Training: You've done all of the work inside the program and still need help on how to close your first (or 100th) client, particularly if they are higher end? This bonus training is for you!
  • ​My Top 15 Google Chrome Extensions To Make Your Life Easier: This training has been loved by all types of online and offline entrepreneurs. After all, I'm all about efficiency and working smart and these tools will help you automate your knowledge inside the program even faster.
And that's STILL (!) Not All! 

Because You'll Also Get Access 
To The Following, Highly Loved 
  • 5 WAYS TO GROW YOUR OWN FACEBOOK GROUP FROM SCRATCH AND BUILD A THRIVING COMMUNITY IN JUST 90 DAYS: Do you dream of having your own Facebook Group that is filled with ideals clients primed to buy from you? But not only that, do you want to know how to step up and become the Facebook admin leader of your dreams so you grow a thriving online tribe around your brand, business and mission? This module is for YOU!
  • 1000 PIECE CONTENT PROMPTS & CORNELIA'S FAVORITE CONTENT BRAINSTORMING TIPS: Do you feel like you're suffering from brain fog whenever trying to come up with content for your Facebook profile, group, or page? In this module, I not only share with you my ultimate 1000 content prompts to make Facebook content creation super easy PDF guide BUT, I'll also share my favorite content brainstorming technique with you. Turn content creation from a 'must do' to something you LOVE doing in no time ;).
I learned more in the first module than I have in other entire programs."
~ Angie Moore
Save moolah by paying in FULL: 
Billed one time.
  • 32 Video Trainings
  • 14 Workbooks & Homework Sheets
  • 5 Post Swipe Files
  • Copy Of My Facebook Funnel Template
  • Access To The Private Connect Student Group
  • BONUS: 2 Facebook Lead Generation Case Studies
  • BONUS: High-End Client Sales Training
  • BONUS: Google Chrome Extension Training
  • SPECIAL BONUS: Grow Your Own Facebook Group Module
  • SPECIAL BONUS: 1000 Pieces Of Content Prompt Template
Affordable payment plan:
186/month x 3
Billed monthly.
  • 32 Video Trainings
  • 14 Workbooks & Homework Sheets
  • 5 Post Swipe Files
  • Copy Of My Facebook Funnel Template
  • Access To The Private Connect Student Group
  • BONUS: 2 Facebook Lead Generation Case Studies
  • BONUS: High-End Client Sales Training
  • BONUS: Google Chrome Extension Training
  • SPECIAL BONUS: Grow Your Own Facebook Group Module
  • SPECIAL BONUS: 1000 Pieces Of Content Prompt Template
This changed my perception of how to use Facebook Groups for my business, especially the specific execution tips."
~ Jennica Collado
Still scrolling instead of enrolling?
Let’s make sure we get all of your questions answered right now.
  • I'm a real estate agent & want to attract local clients - is this for me? YES! The strategies can be applied to online as well as local, offline businesses. You just need to adjust some of the strategies inside the program (for example, join different Facebook Groups than I recommended) but there are plenty more resources inside the Facebook Group as well!
  • I'm a coach or service-based business owner - is this for me? Heck YES! This program is exactly what you need to get you and your business to the next level in terms of revenue. Once you've got a nice set of clients you work with from the strategies inside this program and you've established yourself as an expert to make sure new prospects keep coming to you, you've reached a whole new level in your business. I want to get you there and have you be able to have enough revenue to start investing in paid marketing to further scale up your business ;).
  • I'm in network marketing - is this for me? Again, YES! The strategies inside the program work for any type of service-based & product-based businesses and entrepreneurs that either have physical or digital products & services to offer. This course will especially help you too in your network marketing business because it will help you set yourself apart from all the competition out their (in your company and from other network marketing professionals).
  • Do you show me how to run Facebook Ads as well or do any Facebook Growth Hacking? NO & NO. This is NOT a Facebook Ads course. Please do not enroll if this is what you're looking for. I also won't show you any growth hacking gimmicks. All the strategies inside are legitimate and follow Facebook's guidelines.
  • When does this program start? All the content is immediately available to you from the moment you successfully enroll into the program. This is a self-paced course and you can consume the content as fast as you'd like or take your time going through the modules.
  • Tell me about your refund policy. I believe refunds are honestly an easy way out for people who are not 100% committed and aren't willing to put in the work a lot of the time. That's why I don't offer any refunds. 
  • How do I get started? Click any of the "ENROLL NOW" buttons on this page.
  • ​What if I have more questions? Email us at "info@funnelgal.com"!
Save moolah by paying in FULL:
Billed one time.
  • 32 Video Trainings
  • 14 Workbooks & Homework Sheets
  • 5 Post Swipe Files
  • Copy Of My Facebook Funnel Template
  • Access To The Private Connect Student Group
  • BONUS: 2 Facebook Lead Generation Case Studies
  • BONUS: High-End Client Sales Training
  • BONUS: Google Chrome Extension Training
  • SPECIAL BONUS: Grow Your Own Facebook Group Module
  • SPECIAL BONUS: 1000 Pieces Of Content Prompt Template
Affordable payment plan:
186/month x 3
Billed monthly.
  • 32 Video Trainings
  • 14 Workbooks & Homework Sheets
  • 5 Post Swipe Files
  • Copy Of My Facebook Funnel Template
  • Access To The Private Connect Student Group
  • BONUS: 2 Facebook Lead Generation Case Studies
  • BONUS: High-End Client Sales Training
  • BONUS: Google Chrome Extension Training
  • SPECIAL BONUS: Grow Your Own Facebook Group Module
  • SPECIAL BONUS: 1000 Pieces Of Content Prompt Template
I was able to apply the tips immediately, I could feel your heart was really in it."
~ Ilse Scheuboeck
P.S. In case you're one of those people (like me) who scrolls down to the bottom of the page, here's the deal:

I'm giving you INSTANT access to CONNECT, my ultimate organic Facebook™ Client Attraction System, complete with actionable Workbooks, hands-on video lessons, case studies and other freaking awesome bonuses. 

My focus in creating this program was that you can really implement what you've learned right away to get results FAST!

Inside CONNECT, I will teach you: How To Turn People You Network With On Facebook Into Friends And Than Clients For Your Business, How To Establish Yourself As An Authority And Expert In Your Industry/Field, How to Grow Your Email List With High-Quality Organic Subscribers, How To Accelerate Your Business Growth Through Attraction Marketing, How To Grow Your Own Successful Facebook Group, and much much more!

Click on the button right now to join CONNECT and my team , the #connectfamily, and I look forward in seeing you inside.
CONNECT, Facebook™ Networking For Entrepreneurs program is now OPEN for a limited time! Don't miss the enrollment window! Join our CONNECT Family now:

This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is 
NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

DISCLAIMER: The sales figures stated above are my personal sales figures. Please understand my results are not typical, I’m not implying you’ll duplicate them (or do anything for that matter).The average person who buys any "how to" information gets little to no results. I’m using these references for example purposes only. Your results will vary and depend on many factors …including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT GET OUR INFORMATION.

© 2017-2022 Cornelia Pauline. FunnelGal Media LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Powered By ClickFunnels.com